Monday, 2 December 2013


denim jacket: levi @ elletassy // dress: tree of life

Happy December Fawnlings,

This is a photo update on a picnic I had with my friends at the lush Botanical Gardens.
I met some friends at the station and then walked along the harbour. We explored the wharf and then when everyone arrived found a tree to sit under. We had a picnic with enough food to feed half of the city and needless to say I was glad I wasn't wearing tight clothing! The flowy dress from tree of life was perfect for the weather and I constantly felt like twirling around.

It was such an entertaining day, a mixture of relaxing, eating and talking as well as chasing ibis and running around. Good food and good company is the recipe for a good day!

The countdown to Christmas had begun *squeals with happiness*

- N xx

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With love,

- N x

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